2007년 11월 21일 수요일

New media and the modernist concept of progress (11/8)

We have dicussed about modernist and avant-garde.
We can give Picasso as an example for a modernist, and Duchamp for an avant-garde.
Mordenists respect the traditional. Like Picasso, and other artists drew with a brush on a paper with his own way. They respected the traditional way.
On the other hand, Duchamp completely ignored the traditional way. He just put the stool chair in his exhibition.
This is the example of the difference between mordenist and avant-garde.

There is a pictorialist. When photography first came out, the artists were afraid of losing their jobs. But it didn't happen the way they thought. There were many differences between photographs and pictures. People also prefered pictures. So pictorialists came out. They are the people who take a photographs like as if it is a picture.

Well.. there are many technologies developed to make photographs look more like a pictures. Such as photoshop, illustrator, and etc. But I think if you want a real image, use a photograph. If you want something that look more like picture, use drawing. It is best to use either way in specific occasion, since they both have many differences, and good/bad points.

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